Today, as i was watching the show Man vs Wild, the idea of using sun as a way to know the direction came across quite often. As i was watching and listening to the logic of that, i remembered that although it looks like sun is moving, its actually the earth that is rotating around the sun. Also, i remembered that earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. All of these informations reminded me of the lab we did. As i remembered the lab, i remembered that because theres a satellite in the outer space orbitting around at the same speed as the earth rotates.
Also, in man vs wild, there was a part when he slipped down the ice to move through the places to walk. The friction coefficient must have been very low (both static and kinetic) because he slipped down easily and quickly. I even thought that if we tried to find the speed he was sliding down, we could have just ommitted the friction force/work out of the system. Since i doubt the acceleration was constant, i would choose to use cons. of energy concept to find out his velocity, if i ever do.
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