This weekend, when i went to my friend's house, we were talking about why potential energy is mgh. I told them that you could derive it by using G and M and R. Although it was quite a long time ago, i remembered many things like satelite and orbital motions. However, there was one thing that bothered me when we were talking about physics. That is, in regular physics class i heard they draw centripetal force on their free body diagram. I told them centripetal force is an imaginary force (net force) so you arent supposed to put it there. But it seems they are required to draw it out. I told them that if they did that in our class they would get 50 points off for tests/quizes. They also didnt seem to understand centrifugal force but since i already explained it to them and they got it back then, i didnt really want to explain it to them again.
Also, when we went to zippy's, my friend had 1 yen in his wallet. From chemistry experience, we floated it on water. That's when our physics knowledge came in handy to explain how that works. Because the weight of 1 yen coin is smaller than the FB force due to its area, the coin floats.
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