

i just randomly looked at the sun today and i saw this crazy dude in the parachute (however you spell that). when i saw that guy slowly getting down, i realized how strong that thing must be. basically, you are going down with an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared. in other words, the weight force is acting on you and thats g times your mass. that means fatter people would have a greater gravity force acting on him. the air resitance is the other force vector that cancels out the weight force. the force of that is expressed in the equation which i dont really remember but you probably know it, doc, so im not gonna even write it down. anyways, so i thought, that parachute supports all kinds of people, how strong did they make it? i thought about it, and i estimated that the parachute can probably handle more than 3000N of force. because i dont think anyone would weigh more than 300kg...well, if someone did, im pretty sure he wouldnt be moving around anyways. so the maximum force that a parachute needs to handle is around 3000N, i think. well, its some random thought.

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