Just like what we discussed in lectures, i felt the difference in net force while i was going up and down using the elevator. Though i was too shy to explaining to others why we are feeling the difference in weight in the elevator, i went over the reason why in my head.
another example of physics-related thing i experienced this weekend was, again, during the XC race. Because i kick off the ground while going down the hill (in other words, jumping down the hill), i am in the air for a little while. Because i accelerate down due to gravity, while i was in the air, i felt very light (less weight). This is exactly like that elevator example. Because there is a downward acceleration, while im in the air i feel less weight. However, when i landed, i felt extra weight on me. It is because my downward acceleration suddenly went down to no acceleration (deceleration). So i wondered wouldnt going down the hill be a good workout too? i think so lol
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