Two weeks of physics class had passed and I have managed to survive this course so far. Although I faced many difficulties, I still enjoy learning physics. However, I must say Problem Set #2's last problem was hard...How do you find the range for the shortest range?! Anyways, I'm starting to catch on with this whole equations and all, so hopefully I do good on the next test (none of that stupid mistakes i made in the first one...like thinking that fat line in the middle of the graph was axis lol). I'm guessing that 3D movement is exactly like what we're doing right now except we have three independent equations...or maybe not, who knows lol.
When i was running a xc race on saturday, i was actually calclating the average velocity of the pace i was running in and i tried to find the final velocity and acceleration in order to achieve that increase in velocity. my first mile was 6 min and 26 seconds and the race was 2.6 miles. So in order to run faster than 19 min for 2.6 miles, i had to run 1.6 miles in 12min and 34 seconds. i was actually amazed i was thinking through these kind of things in the race. Unfortunately, i decelerated because i got a side pain right after my first mile so i finished the race poorly.

2 件のコメント:
what? we're supposed to talk about actual physics in our lives? oh snap.