Work is network times displacement of an object due to the force. this week, we had track workouts for our cross country. I ran 800m interval 8 times, so I ran 6400m (8x800=6400, which is equavalent to running running 4 miles) but my displacement is 0m (because I ran around track which means I ran back to where i started 16 times in total). In physics, our whole workout that we put so much effort on requires no work since the final displacement is 0m. It's a little bit disappointing because it feels like I'm wasting my time doing the same amount of work as not doing anything. Thinking like this made me feel like running on track is a bit retarded because you could just not run still have the same amount of work done from running around track, at least in physics definition. On top of that, it's not really me pushing myself, it's the earth that's pushing me.
1 件のコメント:
helloo jumpei
go XC [: