This weekend we went to Hawaiian Bryans and played pool. There were many things i could relate to physics in pool. As a matter of fact, i became better at pool (i think) because of physics. Because we learned that the direction of the target ball after the collision is proportional to the direction of the line that connects centers of cueball's and the target ball's masses, i was able to put in more balls than before because i had better idea of where the ball will go. However, due to friction, spin of the ball, and other extraneous factors, the ball didnt go the way i expected to go all the time. Also, the cue ball didnt always go perpendicular to the direction of the target ball went after the collision. that is probably because the mass of the cue ball is a little greater than the mass of the target ball. Another factor that made the error is probably spin. Because we didnt learn spin of the ball yet, we cant really analyze how that could affect the direction of the ball.
I was also aware of friction force between table and the ball. Without it, the ball would go all over the place without stopping. It would be interesting but it would be stupid to play because you can do nothing other than wait for the balls to go in the pocket.
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